This website is intended for HCP use alone and Alcon shall not be liable for any actions arising from unadvised and unsupervised use of the material provided here. Please refer to relevant products Directions for Use or Operator’s manuals for complete list of indications, contraindications and warnings.
Alcon abides by regulatory guidelines and ethical standards that governs support of continuing medical education, including but not limited to:
- Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) Standards for Commercial Support
- Council of Optometric Practitioner Continuing Education (COPE) Standards for Commercial Support
- The HHS Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Compliance Program for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
- AdvaMed Code of Ethics on Interactions with Eye Care Professionals
- FDA Final Guidance on Industry-Supported Scientific and Educational Activities

In keeping with these guidelines and Alcon’s internal policies, the IME Grant Office will not:
- Provide suggestions for topics and/or speakers for live programs or enduring materials
- Review slides or other materials for clinical accuracy
- Process applications received less than 8 weeks prior to the event or need

IME Grant Office will not support grant applications:
- that are linked to prescribing, purchasing, formulary status or reimbursement
- in which education is not the primary focus of the meeting
- in which there are recreational activities and/or entertainment
- in which there are non-modest meal functions and spouse or guest meals are covered
- that cover overhead/operating costs, i.e., the fixed cost of running a business (rent, utilities, etc.), which cannot be attributed to a specific certified educational activity
- solely for marketing campaigns including newspaper/TV/radio ads or public information spots and capital campaigns/building funds
- for website development or mass media production
- for patient education, vision screenings, health fairs or open houses
- for charitable contributions or fundraising events
- to pay for equipment or service contracts
- that are not within the therapeutic areas of interest to Alcon
- to individuals for travel or meeting registration costs
- for travel or study in a foreign country
- to individual eye care professionals or private practice groups
- for the purpose of practice development or staff training
- for meetings for the purpose of referral or networking